Spring 25 Open House Information
Campus News
Stay connected with Phoenix Academy through the latest news and announcements happening at our school. Check out our most recent news below. If there is a story idea or announcement you feel we missed, please contact the campus webmaster.
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Read the Phoenix Academy 23-24 TAPR Reports and documents
The Graduate Hub is a one stop place for all Flame to Flight Information.
The Phoenix Academy kicks off the 24/25 Flame to Flight Program and requests volunteers from the community to assist with career readiness events on campus.
Read more for information on Spring 24 senior clap out celebrations across the district.
Watch this video to learn more about all of the experiences our students have had in this years' Flame to Flight recap.
Thank you to the Honorable Mayor Dr. Michael A. Evans, Sr. for delivering an exceptional motivational message to our Phoenix Academy & DAEP students on March 8, 2024.
Thank you to the MISD Clothes Closet for supporting our MISD DAEP!
Phoenix hosts its 3rd annual Tea Party.
Congratulations to our Teachers of the year!